The Lazarus Phenomenon

The Lazarus Phenomenon

Vision of Hell by Emmanuel Agyarko


Vision of Hell
by Emmanuel Agyarko.
Vision of Celebrities, Footballers, Pastors, Gadaffi in Hell Fire.

On 24th November 2011, in the afternoon after I had come home from school, I found myself taken to hell by the LORD to be shown various things. This is not the first time I have been taken to hell, I have had other encounters, and however this particular visit is different as it has many warnings to people who are still on earth. It is my prayer that all who read or listen to this testimony would take it serious and make sure they avoid hell at all cost and align themselves under the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ and prepare for His Coming.


I saw four pastors in hell, who were there because they did not pay their tithes. One was called Albert and another was Daniel, a pastor of Church of Christ and this church does not believe in tithing. Daniel said he told his congregation not to pay tithes as it was no longer necessary. He was in hell for basically two things: first of all, he was not paying tithes himself and secondly, because he also stopped others from paying it. For Albert, his church believed in paying tithe, but he thought it was meant for only the congregation and pastors were excluded from paying it. He wished he could come back to earth to start over again and pay his tithes.  The other two pastors also did not pay, and one of them, thought simply he did not think he had to pay it even though he knew he should be paying it, and the other thought ministering before God is not working,  so he thought there was no need to pay any tithes.



As I walked in those pits, I then was shown many pits full of ladies who used charms to get husbands to marry them. Some used lipsticks, facial makeup kits to seduce men. In one of the pits, I saw a woman named Ama Gyamfua who attended Church of Pentecost, she went for charms from a fetish priest so she could control her husband like a dog; this is why she was in hell because of using this evil charms.  Next to this, I saw another lady called Mavis who had a pink lipstick on her mouth. She collected this seductive lipstick from an occult man, and it was meant to manipulate men to lust after her and she would cause men to by all means look for money and give it to her.

I then saw a young lady called Vivian who seemed to be around 24 years old, she had filthy clothing on her in the form of a short indecent dress, and she had long acrylic nails, glossy looking lipstick and a scarf on her head. She was in the pit because she went to idols for charms such that, whenever she slept with any man, she hijacked the semen of men to be used for witchcraft rituals. Through her acts five men died. These rituals were made so she would obtain money. She said she used to dress indecently and in a seductive way whilst she was on earth, and lived at Kwashieman in Accra, Ghana.

And as I was contemplating the scene above, I turned to the other side where I saw a certain woman who was a pastor’s wife on earth and she was called Alice. She also went for charms to charm her husband. She said she was a witch and went for charms. She put her menses in a palm nut soup together with other things for the husband to eat. From that moment, the husband became like her son so she could control and dominate him. She tied the husband and locked him inside a spiritual bottle. She also killed some of her church members and when she died, she was immediately thrown in hell for what she had done.

As the Lord took me in this tour, I also shown a man called Kwame, who was into occultism. He had a ring on his manhood (Sexual part) which made it possible for him to charm prostitutes. So after sleeping with the prostitutes, he then killed them and used their body parts in witchcraft rituals for other people.

From this scene, I was then shown a tall man, who went for a charm to seduce young girls to come after him for sex. He had sex with about 1000 girls and was at the University of Ghana, Legon in Accra, Ghana. He went for penis enlargement and was given some things to plant. This spiritually nailed him to hell, and so in hell he has been nailed in his pit in hell. He was also a youth leader in his church, and had sex with many girls in the church.

I later saw a pastor/evangelist called Francis who was in the Methodist church. He went for a charm such that anything he said was not refuted. He said when he proposed to girls, they could not resist his charms and He was also a gay.

I also saw a lady newscaster from Ghana who had died. She had facial makeup on; this was given to her by an Indian occultist. The purpose was to get fame, favor and love from people. She eventually died from diabetes.

I then saw seven pastors, who had died in Ghana, and they were all in a secret society, and they were dressed like that. They were all prophets and had magic rings, which they used to perform miracles and prophesy in their churches. They were all screaming in pain.

I also saw a gospel singer who died in Ghana, he said he was a pastor and he went to an India man to help him sing. He said this man gave him some oil and made him burn some incense and had a ring that gave him the authority to release many albums. He was required to sleep with women, so in the church he slept with most of the women. In hell, large worms were just going through his body and he was seriously burning in the fire. He also had the number 666 written on his forehead.

I saw a man called Abednego, who had a chain around his neck. Whilst on earth whenever he went into danger he used to vanish to escape from death. He eventually died and is now in hell fire eternal suffering.

I saw some Ghanaians wearing different rings, gold, silver and brass, and they were all members of secret societies.

I was then shown a former finance minister from Ghana, who was in hell for being a member of a secret society and also because of acquiring evil powers to give him a smart brain.

I also saw a pastor from Ghana called Alfred who had consulted the queen of the coast for empowerment. He had a ring and a white handkerchief. The handkerchief was for healing, and the ring was for casting out demons. The heat of his torment was seven times more than the others who were there for charms.

I then saw a lady from Nigeria, who also used charms to charm her husband so that when the husband would die all the property would be willed to her favor; unfortunately this woman died and found herself in hell fire.


I then saw various students with bags at their backs. These were from primary, junior high, senior high and even university. These students went for charms to help them to be smart learn, hence they were brilliant in school. These could not complete their education and they all died. I also saw some students from a famous school in Kumasi, Ghana.

I saw many medical doctors in hell, and one of them was called Dr. Frimpong who when He saw me, starting saying that when he became a doctor he was afraid, so he join a secret society where he was given a ring to protect him. He died in an accident and found himself in hell fire.

I saw many lawyers, judges and justices all burning in hell fire. They were all part of secret societies and also consulted demons for their protection. They had rings that protected them whilst they were alive.

I also saw a girl I knew personally at Kwadaso in Kumasi. She went to consult a fetish so she could snatch her best friend’s boyfriend. She died a shameful death afterwards and she is now in hell.

I then saw a man called Budo who was at Buokrom in Kumasi, Ghana when he was alive. This man was so strong and powerful that even the police were scared of him. He told me, “he went to Satan for powers to be very strong and powerful, he had protection against; guns, knives, spears, and all other weapons”. He said “the powers made his body like a metal, so even a bullet would only mark the body but cannot penetrate and he had to sell his soul to the devil in order to achieve that.” This man is also now in hell and suffering as the demons use red-hot spears to pierce his body and tear his body apart.

I then saw prostitutes who were being chased around by demons in hell; these demons were raping these girls in the midst of the fire. These girls went for charms to help them to conduct their business as prostitutes, so that they could not be harmed or killed. One of them was called Joana and she said “I had the power to vanish when there was danger”. All these girls were in hell fire suffering seriously.

I saw one woman from Ghana called Aunty Afua. She went for holy water from a prophet in Ghana with a big gallon. She treated the water as her god. This water was demonic and when she died she ended up in hell.

I also saw Frank who was also from Ghana. He went for a handkerchief from a prophet, so that anytime he rubs it on his face, he gets favors everywhere he went. This handkerchief was demonic, and he died in his sins.

I then saw at a distance away, a valley and there were about ten thousand people burning in the larva of fire there. The demon was laughing and mocking them and said, “all these used our magic rings”. When I got close I just knew the name of one man in the group, called Pastor Afriyie from Ghana. He said, “he went for a ring for healing”. There were about two thousand pastors in that section of hell for using magical rings. These were from different countries in the world.

I was then shown a young man I knew in Kumasi and had died. This man was handsome and when alive and he had many girlfriends. He was in hell for fornication. I then saw a hot band around his waist which was burning him and cutting him. He said these are the useless things I went for whist on earth.





I then saw five demons with big bags containing different currencies and these were being taken to those who did charms for people to get rich on conditions that they would sell their souls to satan and die after some years. For those who engage in these activities, as soon as you agree to this, you will have tied your soul in hell and immediately you die, the demons would take you to hell fire. I saw the fetish priest tell a man that he would live for seven years, but in reality this would be divided into two and this man would die only after three and half years.

I saw a 43 year old fair looking Nigerian woman who was in hell fire because of shedding innocent blood. She stole a month old baby from a hospital to be used for witchcraft rituals. She placed the baby in wooden container and pounded the baby to death. She then added a yellowish –green oil mixture and transformed this into US dollars in the spirit realm. She was rejoicing over and shouting, money, money! This woman was being tormented by demons with 3 prong forks and telling her “you, wicked woman, praise Satan! this is all that you did when you were on earth”.

I then saw another lady who whilst on earth slept with many men, and afterwards, she collected the condoms and drained their semen into a container and took it to a fetish for money rituals. This lady eventually died and she is now being tormented in hell fire.

I then saw another section in hell in a valley overflowing with very hot larva. The sign at this place read “mockers of God”. Those in this section of hell had large golden rings on their fingers, and this made it possible for them to heal, cast out demons, turn curses into blessing and performed many signs and wonders while they were on earth. These were only those who used golden rings. I then saw the demon in charge of that section, saying: “these people are there because of using magical rings to perform miracles”. Each of the souls was in a pit which was a shoulder deep. These people were from many countries but I saw two who were from Ghana. One man from Nigeria said “God, save me!”, and a voice said “I never knew you”. Lucifer then came to that section of hell and laughed sarcastically and uncontrollably.


I also saw Princess Diana, and she was there for witchcraft and in hell she looks a bit deformed. She had a protective ring from India, but this obviously failed to save her on that fateful night.

One of the people I also saw as part of a group of musicians was Michael Jackson. He had an Indian magic ring on his hand which made him to call on high powers of Satan. He said “I went for a ring from the devil, he gave me fame and riches and voice like that of an angel, and now I am in hell suffering forever without Christ.” It was this ring from India that gave him the high celebrity ranking and obtained power to sing amazingly. He is also among those who used charms during their life time on earth.







I then saw a former Nigerian president called Sani Abacha in the royal part in hell, where most world leaders go to. He said “he caused the deaths of many thousands of people so he could use their body parts for rituals”.



I then saw Col. Muammar Gaddafi, who was recently killed by the rebels in Libya. He said “he is there because he didn’t believe in Jesus”.  I was shown how he lived his life on earth. He had a magic chain which helped him vanish when the NATO forces and rebels attacked him. However, on that fateful day, after bathing he forget to put on the chain he got from an occult grand master in India. He said, “I should tell all Libya, sons and wife to turn to Christianity”. He said “he is suffering terribly and if they do not change, they would all end up in the place where he is”. He even said, “those who killed me should not come here”. He then requested for a drop of water.



The Lord then showed me a scene of people buying things on earth and going straight to hell. The shop was in Ghana, however, there are many all over the world and they sold demonic items used by the false prophets in their churches and by the fetish priests. These items included; red, black, blue, magenta, purple and green candles, different demonic oils, powder, water, padlocks and other items used in the churches which used these things and all those buying these demonic items were walking straight to hell, because these items were used for occult practices in the churches and fetish. The Lord then told me, that any time anyone gets a charm to do anything, that person automatically becomes a candidate of hell, as the name will be eventually written in hell.

I then saw a demon in hell holding a container in his hand with many different rings. The demon then said that these are the rings being given to people on earth for charms. The rings were for protection, healing, spirituality, magical powers, knowledge and others.

I was then shown many bottles, and some demons were taking them to earth to be used by people who charm others and imprison their souls in bottles in the spiritual realm. Anyone who charms others becomes one with Lucifer and would end up in hell for punishment.






I was shown various celebrities, members of the judiciary and politicians on their way to hell for using charms to help them perform well, attain high positions and also become famous. I saw one popular actress in Ghana, who places a charm in between her breasts so that she would charm people. She and many others also using charms to act were on their way to hell.

I also saw many gospel and secular singers who were also on their way to hell for using charms to perform and record their albums.

I was shown body builders who were using certain potions to smear their bodies so they would be strong and win laurels. All these were all their way to hell as well.


I then saw a 12 year old boy who was a footballer. I asked the Lord why he was there, and The LORD said, because he was into occult. His teacher led him into this practice so could be a great footballer. He was taken to an occultist for charms and special oil to play well.

I also saw another footballer from Brazil. He went to a wizard to help him play in the league. He refused to go back to thank the wizard, so he died on the pitch one day whilst playing a football match.

I also saw Marc-Vivien Foé, the Cameroonian footballer who died during a football match in France in 2003. He went to the Queen of the Coast for powers to play in the African Cup of Nations. After obtaining the powers, he was supposed to sacrifice his mother to the queen of the coast, but refused to do it. So during that fateful day, a spirit from the water kingdom struck his heart and killed him instantly on the pitch. So he was in hell for the occultism. In hell I saw him holding a human skull.


I was then shown many teams and their supporters on their way to hell through the tunnels. The first team I saw was Chelsea Football Club, they were being led by Ivanovic, and followed by the other players in a straight line. They all had divers’ items in their hands; some had incense, oil, sacred rings and other things. I was then shown how all those who followed and supported this team with their hearts, were all following them in the tunnel to hell fire.

I was then shown Ronaldino and certain young boys in the age range of 8- 13 years. These boys were learning to play like him. I then saw a strange looking demon, in the various forms, namely form of a woman, a monkey and had wings like a bat. This is the demon that helps him to play well. So when these boys started rehearsing, this demon manifests and enters them. I saw him and all his fans, supporters and the boys who are seeking to play like him walking in the tunnel on their way to hell.




The next football star I saw was Kaka. He had a bible in his right hand and a football in the left hand. I then saw a demon come to him, and told him “follow me and I would show you the path of lie”. This demon then took the bible and placed it in his left hand and the football in his right hand. Sadly, this demon was leading him to hell too. I then saw a man who told him in Portuguese that you can be a Christian but everything you want to do in football I would do it for you. This man then did some rituals and a demon appeared, then he put some liquid upon his head and the demon entered into him. He then began to play skillfully. I saw Brazilian teenage footballers all following him to hell.

I was then shown some people who were walking silently to hell, and they were the Brazilian football teams. I asked the Lord Jesus, what have they done and he said it is because of idolatry. This because Football is a god and those who support it will eventually end up in hell. I then saw Pele went into a cemetery at night to invoke a demon, this demon came to the players and strange oil was rubbed on them and were asked not to touch any woman.  Then I saw a strange demon, with the head of a man, but the body of calf. This demon was leading the team including the old players like Pele and others. I also saw the majority of Brazilians following them silently to hell because of the passion for football.

I saw many footballers using rings, special oils, and other occult paraphernalia to ply their trade. However the sad thing is, all these players were walking straight to hell together with their supporters.

I saw the France football team also being led by Zidane and other former players. Their fans and supporters were all following them to hell and after this, I then saw the Egyptian national team being led by Abutreka and all were on their way to hell as well. The team was being led two demons in the form of cows. The major demon which helped them win the African Cup of Nations seven times was Osiris.

I was then shown all the teams of the world including the National team of Ghana, the Black Stars being followed by their supporters and fans. I then asked the Lord Jesus why is it so, and He said because they all belong to the enemy and are involved into the occult practices. Then the Lord said “I should warn that no one who is into occult can come to His kingdom”. I saw all the football clubs arranged in levels on their way to hell silently and followed closely by their fans.

All the young boys who are following the professional footballers were all following them to hell. Some of these boys do not go to the fetish themselves, but their teachers and coaches go for the occult powers and give them the items and instructions on what to do.


I was then shown two Christian teams playing a football match, and demons came there in the form of bears to sit and watch the match. They were so happy and waving. Other demons also appeared from the ground to manipulate the match as though they were the coaches and even when Christians where playing a match, the demons had a right to be present, because football is a game which was designed by Lucifer to deceive many into hell.

I then saw a different church match and one man went to consult occult to win the match. He was given a clock to go to cemetery to sleep there from 12 midnight till 6am. He then placed the clock near the opposing churches pole so they would win the match. The other team too had a man go to another fetish who gave him a strange liquid which he sprinkled on their jerseys. The demons then possessed the players and they played by the power of dwarfs on the field.


I also saw a 17 year old American boy called Phillip. This boy had a spider tattoo on his back. He said his friend told him it would protect him from sickness. I then saw Lucifer pass by him mock him. This boy was in church and thought he was going to heaven. Unfortunately this boy is in hell now because of the tattoo. Lucifer then said, “All those who use tattoos, serve me”. I saw many other people in this section of hell, all because they have been tattooed on their bodies. I then saw Lucifer transform himself into a young man with many tattoos on his body, with body piercings and mocking them by quoting Lev 19:28  Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. In hell a red hot metal had been attached to the tattoo designs and they were in much pain. I saw one boy who said he did not know about the consequences, he had just imitated a friend doing it, so he also did same. However, this boy is also in hell in much pain for having a tattoo on his body.



I moved a little further and I saw this young man in a pit of fire with earrings on the ears. He said he went for seducing power for girls to fall in love to him; he also had a ring he used to seduce both men and women to have sex with them.  Most boys and men use this to seduce girls to have sex with them. This is also another occult practice that is going on now because a demonic spirit enters into the boys or men who do this and their lives are influenced negatively.


I was then shown a library in hell, the room was very black with three candles, red, blue and black, but they melted though they were burning. I saw the book of Mormon , books on astrology, white witchcraft, satanic bible, books on evolution, Sixth and seventh book of Moses, Hip-pop bible, Book of Changes and other demonic books some of which are used by various religions. Those using these books ended up in hell. I also saw many Christian books and Lucifer then said “my spirit lives in the books and any book that has not the Spirit of God in the book is filled with my power”.  He also said “any book that can lead people to hell is stored in that room”. People have to be careful the books they read even including Christian titles.


After I came out of the room, I was taken to a section in hell where I saw soldiers. These were soldiers when they were on earth from different countries. They were in a pool of fire burning. They went for protection against gunshot and other weapons. Some had the power to vanish others had clothes that were gunshot proof. They did all sorts of occult practices for their protection whilst on earth. Each of them had 666 written on the forehead. There were huge demons brutalizing these soldiers and torturing them. The demon in charge there was 19 feet and looked like a frog with three eyes.  I saw a Ghanaian soldier who had a very sad story, he was into martial arts and when he died a demon dragged him to that section of hell. Most people do not know, but all those who practice martial arts would end up in hell fire too.

I was later shown two people who were in hell for smoking. So people have to know that smoking would take them to hell.

I also saw a man who called saints when he was on earth, and this was classified occult and he was suffering greatly.

After wards I was taken back through the tunnel and I came back to earth.


Emmanuel Agyarko is teenager from Kumasi in Ghana. He started seeing visions when he was a child but it was once in a while. However, around 2009 it increased, and the Lord has shown him many visions since 2009. He has been to heaven and hell on numerous occasions.


Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.






Angelic Activities as We Pray!

Angelic Activities as We Pray!

Elizabeth’s Vision during Prayer @ Blazing Holy Fire – July 13, 2013


On Saturday night, God touched my heart. My mom and I came early to start cleaning the sanctuary. The Service began around six. When I began to pray and for the first 15 minutes, I wasn’t feeling God as much as I wanted to. I asked God to give me more, I told Him I was hungering for more, and I asked Him to teach me. And yeah, He definitely did that.


I opened my eyes to get a drink of water real quick, and then when I closed my eyes again I was shocked when I saw a huge being kneeling right in front of me. It actually scared me at first. I tried to jump back but I couldn’t move, it was like I was held still. Next, I tried to open my eyes, but that didn’t work at all, it was like they were glued shut. It was overwhelming, I started crying and asking God what was going on. He said, ‘Calm down, that’s my angel.’ and all I could say is ‘Oh, ok.’ This angel was immense; he shone and sparkled as if made out of starlight. As I began to pray again, the longer I prayed, God started to show me other things. He showed me that for everyone who is in the sanctuary praying, there is an angel behind each and every one of them. All of these angels were really big and intense looking, but were really beautiful. I’m shaking just thinking about it. They were so big that they barely fit into the room; I’m sure they had to shrink just to fit inside.


And in each corner of the sanctuary there was an angel. In the North East corner of the sanctuary there were two angels; one of which was dancing, he was an angel of joy and humor. I was so surprised that there was an angel of humor, he is full of unconditional joy, and he dances so happily. He danced so beautifully, a tambourine in one hand, and in the other he had a silk ribbon, swirling and prancing. The other angel next to him was guarding the corner and the door which leads out into the hallway. At each doorway in the church there is an angel standing guard, except for at the entrance to the church and the entrance to the sanctuary. At the outside entrance to the church there are two angels holding long war swords and large shields, and on the inner entrance to the church there are two more similarly armed angels. Then at the entrance to the sanctuary there are two angels who have their arms crossed over their chests. One had, what seemed like, an olive branch in one hand symbolizing peace and in the other hand a beautiful goblet which was filled with a swirling liquid, symbolizing the blood of Christ. The second angel had a tray, about three inches deep, that was made out of the prettiest metal. On the tray there was some kind of flat bread that symbolized the body of Christ. But what made me cry, was the vase that was also on the tray. The vase was shaped like a tear drop, and made out of this amazing crystal, it was very beautiful. God told me that this is a vase that he caught our tears in (Psalm 56:8).


At each corner of the building there was an angel stationed outside of the church; in total there were four angels on the ground guarding the outside of the church. On the roof of the church, there are four angels, one angel above each of the angels on the ground, but on the corners of the roof. There is another angel on top of the roof, which was above the other four; he seemed to be their leader. He was larger then any of the other angels and he had one hand pointing downward and one hand holding an immense golden scepter. So there are a total of 5 angels on the roof; four on the bottom of the roof and then the other in the middle, above the roof. And the one who is in the middle, on top, would later take our prayers and praises up to God.

Surrounding Pastor, there were five angels. I want to explain the positions of these angels. There were two angels behind her standing between the congregation and Pastor, with their faces turned toward the congregation. These two angels were standing with theirs arms crossed over their chests and a shield in one arm and a sword in the other guarding Pastor. There are also two angels kneeling on one knee on either side of her, one on the right and one on the left. The angles kneeling next to her were helping her pray, with their arms stretched out toward her. And the fifth angel was standing in front of her; he had one arm pointing up, sending her prayers to the angel on the roof; and one arm pointing down at Pastor collecting her prayers in an orb of light.

Now, let me explain something about the angels. The angels all wear billowing robes, and a large sash from their right shoulder to below their left hip. And all of the angels except for two have silver sashes. The two angels that don’t have silver sashes are: the angel that is in front of Pastor and the angel who is in the center of the roof. The angel in front of Pastor has a bronze colored sash, and the angel that is in the center of the roof has a gold sash. The angels with different colored sashes were of higher ranking then the angels with the silver sashes, and the angel with the gold sash was the highest ranking angel. Even though the sashes were silver, bronze, or gold, they all sort of twinkled and swirled with different colors. Nothing is really just one color, it all shifts and shimmers with the rainbow.


All of the angels who were outside of the church are in constant warfare when we are praying. The angels outside are larger then the angels that are inside of the church. For each prayer warrior there is an angel. When we are praising God, or praying in earthly languages the angels inside are at work collecting our prayers in their hands like orbs of light. But, when the prayer warriors pray in tongues, especially war tongues, we are helping the warrior angels outside who are in constant warfare. Our prayers are the fuel that gives the angels the strength to keep fighting and to fight powerfully.


The warrior angels that are outside of the church are fighting demons and spiritual creatures of darkness. These specific demons are made out of a thick smoke like mist, and every time an angel slices through them, these demons would retreat, regroup, and come right back to attack again. As you are praying powerfully inside, it’s seriously a constant warfare outside. That’s why we need to pray so hard, we have to be unified with theses angels. These angels are out there protecting us. Your prayers are their fuel to protect you and keep you safe, with out your prayers or with weak prayers your angel would be defeated. That was intense when God showed me that.

When we are praying throughout the service, the angel’s arms are pointed downward, toward us. They are gathering our prayers in orbs of different colored light. For the different types of prayer there are different colors: blue- especially light blue is the color of praise, purple is the color of majesty and prayers of thanksgiving, and red is the color of warfare. At the end, when we closed the service, all of the angels lifted their hands up to the heavens and released all of the prayers. The orbs of light stretched out into beams of light. The prayers went to the angel on top of the roof, he had one hand down collecting the prayers and they traveled up his arm, across his chest, and up his other arm and shone out through his golden scepter up to Heaven. And when the angels raised their arms up to release our prayers, they started to pray too. The sound of their prayers is indescribable, it was like thunder and waves, singing and joy, and it was so striking to hear.


The most amazing part of my vision which made me cry out in awe – was seeing Jesus’ feet. I never knew feet could be beautiful, let alone magnificent and glorious. On His feet there were these stunning and exquisite sandals. Even seeing His feet took my breath away. I don’t know how I knew it was the feet of Jesus, but nothing else would be that spectacular. I could feel Him smiling down at us. He is so happy with our prayers and praise. He knows that the warfare is intense and that the sacrifice and price we pay to follow and worship Him is overwhelming at times; but it is worth it. He is worth it. He is and was very pleased with us; He is proud of His children.

The whole experience was beyond words, but the angels were breathtaking. And the feet of Christ were awe-inspiring and so humbling to see. I know that angels and demons are in a different realm, but I didn’t realize how close they are to us. I never knew how much contact we made and had with angelic beings. Jesus is so merciful and loving, His creations are magnificent and complex; and we, even though sinful and weak, are still cable of bringing Him so much honor and joy.

Now that you have read these angelic encounters, let your prayer go to the next level. You are never alone, you are not praying to a God who is millions of miles away but to Emmanuel, God with us. Pray powerfully, never again doubt His nearness.


Elizabeth (Izzie) is a teenage member on fire for Jesus. After going through a powerful deliverance through the church, Izzie overcame the devil and greatly fell in love with Jesus. Though she was a full time summer student, still she committed to waking up early, spending 2 hours with the Lord in prayer before going to school. Besides, she attended our corporate prayers faithfully and from then on, her spiritual eyes opened and Jesus started giving her visions. Also each time she would be in our corporate prayers, the Lord would come and take her to heaven or hell and show her great and mighty things. We will share some of these visions as the Lord leads. Also revival is breaking out in our children. Children from 4 years are on their knees praying in tongues from 30 minutes to 2 hours, shouting holy fire! On this night also, someone was healed and lost 5lbs upon receiving prayer! We are in the age of the Holy Spirit! The heavens are open!

Spread The Word Of How Much Their Disobedience And Sin Hurts Me By Pastor Kim Yong Doo.

Spread the Word of how much their disobedience and sin hurts Me by Pastor Kim Yong Doo.

The Lord’s presence is in our midst as we pray powerfully. Izzie continues to have visitations from the Lord. Lately, the Lord has been showing her heaven and hell in every service, showing the judged lost souls, awaiting already at the gates of hell where they will be thrown and tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb (Revelation 14:10). In this encounter, demons inside the gates are enthusiastic and impatient to get at the souls. There are so many lost souls, a sea of people stretching without end, without a horizon, among them a great number of Christians – the Lord says “I warned them all” but none listened to Him, none believed Him, none returned to Him and that’s why they are there. “There are no words to describe the horror of hell… just words don’t really work to describe hell in its severity and detail as I saw it”. In the following visions, we have included everything that the Lord showed her on July 26, 2013 from the time the service began through the end of the vision. The Lord willing, coming next will be the path to heaven, the beauty of heaven, wedding banquet and much1 more that the Lord has for His obedient children.


So Many People in Hell.


Friday night, my Mom and I had come in early to church for deliverance and it went really well. I was feeling invigorated and free; I was so excited to pray. I love feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit like that! I had at first brought a scarf to tie around my waist when I was dancing and praying. When I was dancing I kept stumbling and having a hard time. Then once prayer started I couldn’t concentrate and everything was distracting me. I finally got up and went to pray by myself in the hallway; and I still couldn’t pray. I cried out to Jesus and begged Him to give me the strength or to reveal why I couldn’t pray. Then the scarf around my waist started to make me too hot, so I took it off. Immediately I could concentrate and pray! The scarf was given to me by someone who was cursing my family and I, so I got up and threw it away. Then when I came back into the prayer service I was able to concentrate and pray in tongues.


I prayed hard, and was feeling the holy fire and the presence of the Lord intensely. It was amazing, and so encouraging. Then suddenly I was taken to the gates of hell. The vision started out much like the vision I had had before. I saw the terrible demons and creatures shaking the gates in excitement of the torture they are going to be able to inflict on the lost souls outside of the gates of hell. I saw the endless sea of lost souls and I fell to my face and began weeping. I was weeping even harder than the time before I was taken to this same place. Then I saw the gates open and the lost souls flooded into hell, and the demons and nightmarish creatures attacked. The torture began immediately, and then I heard the screams. There is no possible way to describe the sound, it was so agonized, tormented, plagued with sorrow, besieged with hopelessness and endless pain. It was worse then a mother who has just lost her child wailing, worse then a widow’s anguished cries for the loss of her husband, nothing compares. My view was from above hell. Hell stretched on forever, it was infinite. And I could see all sorts of different abuse and torture taking place; so many different people being punished. It was horrible; everywhere I looked there was suffering. I couldn’t even comprehend how much misery and affliction their souls were going through. Then Jesus showed me the place where sexual predators, rapists, and sexual abusers of every kind go. It was so horrifying. The human souls were hung by their genitals and were being constantly stabbed by long, thin, and incredibly sharp spears. Their faces had such a pain plagued expression, that I tried to turn my face away. But, when I looked away what I saw was even more petrifying and tragic.


I saw young men being sliced over and over again all over their bodies. These weren’t just flesh slices, these gashes went as deep as, or through the bone. These young men were being tortured this way because they had killed some in a gang fight, or in a knife related way. Then I saw women who had been prostitutes, they were continually having their genitals and womb torn apart by these creatures with 7 clawed fingers. The flesh was being shredded and torn apart until it looked like shredded meat. Their faces had a look of pure and indescribable pain. It made me dry heave and almost throw up. After I saw this I opened my physical eyes and stumbled to the church bathroom. I was crying so hard but, I didn’t want to see anymore. But the whole time I wasn’t praying and was in the bathroom I could still smell and hear hell, I could hear the tortured screams and smell the blood, the burning, and the rot. When I got to the bathroom Laura asked me if I was ok, I couldn’t even talk. Then once I was done throwing up and I was stumbling down the hallway, Pastor met me half way to the sanctuary. She asked me what was wrong, and all I could say was that there were so many people in hell, and that it was so horrible. I don’t even know if I was forming full words, but she understood me. She told me to go pray some more, so I did.


Christians who Refused to Obey the Lord.


When I knelt down to pray again, I collapsed into a prostate position before the Lord, and the vision started again. The Lord showed me where Christians who refused to obey Him, and knowingly went; those who went against the will of the Lord. These people’s flesh was grey, and speckled with purple, black, yellow, and red bruises. Their flesh was rotting and falling off; their eyes were almost pure red from blood, because the blood vessels in their eyes were continually bursting. They were bleeding out of their eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. They were chained down and were being branded over and over again with the name of their particular sin or sins.


Those who Had Abortion.


Then I saw what happened to women who had purposely terminated their pregnancies, and had killed their unborn babies. The women were chained down to a bed of nails that pierced their bodies continually, and they were going through the pains of giving birth over and over again. But the pains were magnified by an unlimited amount, and their wombs where being torn open from the inside out. And their bones where being torn out of socket over and over again.


False Teachers and Prophets.


Then I saw what happens to false teachers and prophets when they end up in hell. They are chained up and their joints and bones are being pulled out of socket. Their bodies looked like a limp rag dolls, but bloodied and grossly disfigured. Their tongues were being pulled out of their mouths and pierced over and over again.


Those with the Sin of Pride.


And the last thing I saw in hell was the place where people who had the sin of pride go. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. These souls, they barely even looked human anymore. Their eyes were torn out, and maggots and huge worms devoured their flesh. Their ears were being bitten off by some kind of demonic creature with three rows of unbelievably sharp teeth. The souls were being hung on a large fish like hook, by their tongues. Their genitals were being torn off and there were scorpions and all sorts of creatures and bugs crawling out of their mouth and underneath their skin. The peoples skin was almost see through, and you could see snakes eating them from the inside out from their stomachs. But the worst part was that the whole time, these people were being horribly beaten and whipped. The whips were barbed and ripped flesh off with every strike; there are 39 strings on each whip. The creatures who were wielding the whips were being splattered in the soul’s blood and flesh, and the souls were being whipped front and back. The Lord told me that the reason prides punishment was so severe was because no one, especially unsaved humans, have the right to be proud, only the Lord is deserving of praise.


Everyone in hell is naked and bleeding somehow. Endless pain and tortures of every kind are everywhere, there is no escape. The smell is beyond putrid; it smells like rotting flesh, burning hair, and death. Every one of our senses is intensified by millions, touch is extremely sensitive, sounds are incredibly loud and piercing, smells are multiplied in intensity by innumerable amounts. You can almost taste the smoke and the pain, the rancid and decaying smells made me throw up. It was the most disgusting and the saddest thing I have ever experienced.


“Spread the Word of How Much their Disobedience and Sin Hurts Me”.


I cried out to the Lord and begged Him to take me out of hell. And all of a sudden I was no longer in hell. I was weeping so hard though, my body was shaking and I was still wailing out in heart break and sorrow. I had never been so humbled and broken hearted, nothing compares to the horror of hell, except for the sadness of a soul going to hell. I couldn’t comprehend how the loving and kind, and merciful Jesus I knew could condemn the people He loves so much that He died for them, to an eternity of torture, pain, and hopelessness. Then the most amazing thing happened, Jesus picked me up and set me on His knee. He cradled me, held me, and stroked my hair. Immediately I started to have peace, and I calmed down enough to be able to breathe almost normally. I knew it was the Lord because He was radiant, and He was stunningly beautiful, even though I didn’t see His face and I barely could see any of Him, it was more than enough to take my breath away. He said, “My little one I am showing you this because this is the fate of every person who walks through their life without Me. This is their fate if they don’t repent and trust in Me. I love them; I shed my blood for them. They do not have to go to hell! I am the all mighty and powerful God, I can save them! But they must choose Me; they must choose to follow Me. I walked the path of perfection on the Earth and gave my life so they could live for eternity. Spread the word of how much their disobedience and sin hurts me. Tell them of how much I reach out for them. Tell them that I love them, but it is their choice. Tell them, and reach out to them, for you have seen their eternal punishment if they do not turn from their sin and repent. Tell them!” Then my vision ended, and I wept even harder. The Lord loves all of the people in hell, but it’s their choice to love Him back or not.


The Lord only showed me a minuscule amount of hell, but I will never be the same. I will never look at another person the same, every soul is precious in the eyes of the Lord and He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. Even though I had heard that hell was a horrible place before, I had no idea. You can hear it over and over again, but you just can’t comprehend it until you actually see it. Hell is the worst place, and there is no hope for those who are in or are going to be in hell. There is no mercy, no kindness, no love, and no hope. Please, I am begging you, repent and turn to the Lord for mercy, He loves you so much. Hell is real, and it is beyond horrible, beyond terrifying, nothing compares to hell.




-Taken to Hell by Pastor Kim Yong Doo, March 31, 2012 -Colorado Holy Fire Revival.


“While I was lying down, Jesus took me to hell. There are different levels of hell. As I was going through the different levels, there were different devils. Big ones, even tiny devils they were devouring my flesh. When I went 3 levels down, devils held a stick made of needles. They started hitting me with a stick. It hurt so much, it was very hard to endure. My body wasn’t restored even around 3 or 4 this afternoon. Around 3, I started bleeding and it could not stop. I was so exhausted that I prayed to the Lord: ‘Lord it is so hard, I am going to die. It is so hard Lord.’ The lord said it was my calling, so we had to go. The Lord gave me a word from the book of Revelation 2:10. Obedience to the point of death. You have to be obedient till you die, in order to receive His full life.


The Lord opened my eyes and helped me to see while visiting hell. The hell was pitch dark. Whenever I go to hell, there are so many doors to hell. Doors are so varied, so many, so different from one another. For example one of them as you enter hell, you enter a place like magma; another place as you enter it is so narrow like 1mm, because the path is so narrow, there is no other way but you have to fall off and there is no exit! When people fall off, there are needles sticking out, needles that are higher than buildings. They are so close together, there is an endless field covered with needles on both sides. There are many souls that are stuck there.


There is another hell that is like a blender. The souls who are at that place, they are blended.

There is also a place like a prison with iron bars. The current that runs through the bars is so powerful. As soon as they touch the bar, the souls melt away. There are so many places like that. Let’s say we are in a prison like bars, it is a tiny room and let’s say that it holds 5,000 people in the room. People there are trying to go in the innermost part of the room. The people in the outer side as soon as they get touched by the bars, they melt away entirely right away.


There is a path to hell, as soon as you enter through the path, you cannot go back, it only goes forward, you get sucked immediately. The sad thing is that you can see the path to heaven from there and people scream ‘Oh no, I have to go to heaven! Oh no, I have to go to heaven now! Why am I here? No, no, please!’ Because so many people are going to hell, they are pushing each other. In those instances, everybody push forward going straight to hell. The path to hell is so wide, as wide as a stadium. Hell is bigger than heaven. About 1 in a thousand goes to heaven.


Not many people go to heaven as you think. Opposite what you think, a small amount of people make it to heaven. Don’t be too confident with your salvation! Even though we have become the people of God, don’t have the overconfidence that leads to conceit. You don’t go to heaven because you are certain. You have to be humble and meek in order to go to heaven. Even though you have received salvation, you have to think like as if you have not arrived in your salvation. That is why you have to work out your salvation with much fear and trembling every day.


When I go to hell, I encounter shocking moments. There is so many hell where pastors are going. There are countless pastors who are in that hell. There are a lot of famous seminary professors there; there are a lot of pastors that you might know. There, there are pastors who have played with the gift of God. The place where the pastor’s wife go is soo big, you cannot even imagine. The hell where the leaders of the church go, is soo big, it is so full of it. After seeing that, I tell people don’t desire to become pastors. Because pastors are responsible for their souls and also for other people’s souls. I am asking those who desire to be servants of God, as possible remain the members of the church and work hard to do the work of God. There are many members of my church who have graduated from the seminary, but are now working hard as regular members of church serving the Lord. Members of my church have greater faith than regular church pastors, that’s how I fostered them. No matter where they are sent, they can cast out demons.”


Pastor Kim Yong Doo.

Stairs of Glory

Stairs of Glory.




Today before the midnight prayers with the international prayer warriors, the LORD visited me and took me to show me the stairs of glory that leads to the white glorious palace at the top of the mountain (Mount Zion). Before one climbs those stairs, on the left side is a long standing queue of beautiful, enticing and seducing young ladies and women attracting servants of GOD mounting the stairs of glory.


The stairs were made of diamonds that had water color in bluish and decorated with diamonds. The stairs had stair rails in the middle and on the left side were millions of seductive and shining women making so many pastors fall from the stairs of glory to disgrace.


On the right side of the stairs of glory, where seated some people who were verifying the acts and steps of servants of GOD mounting the stairs. These on the right side, I knew they were children of GOD (or I think Angels) and they were seated to see how the Servants of GOD will make it to the palace at the top of the mountain.


I was standing at the bottom of the mountain and watching from a far how the first Servants of GOD who in this revelation seemed as big Pastors on the earth. The first ones mounted the stairs but their eyes were looking at the seductive and enticing young ladies on the left while climbing the stairs and all of sudden, this one fell right to the bottom and the mermaids ran to get him and dealt with him by their left side. These ladies were shining in impurity and worldliness and they were in constant incantations to entice anyone that mounts the stairs of glory to the white palace. These had a lot of power to devour the Servants of God who apparently would look at them with wanton or lustful eyes.


Then I saw several Pastors trying to mount the stairs but their eyes were looking at the beauty of the mermaid ladies that looked so wanting and good for the eyes to look at, and these also fell from the stairs of glory and the ladies got them and dealt with them in all kinds of impurities and sin.


When I was watching this scene unfold, I got angry in my spirit and I determined to defy the young ladies and make it to the top of the stairs in order to enter into the premises of the white palace. I knew in me that if I failed, I would also fail in the physical world. I also knew that a lot was in stake here but while I was angry in the spirit, my flesh desired to look at these seductive ladies and yet I determined to overcome them. After seeing so many servants of GOD fail to climb the stairs, my turn came to climb.


I went stairs on the stairs to climb. Those on the right side were attentively looking and waiting for me and the mermaids on the left side where in intense incantations against me. I climbed the stairs until the third stair without holding the rails of the stairs when all of sudden, my left foot slipped back to the second stairs and I was almost falling to the ground I held immediately on the rails of the stairs and gripped securely and breathed hard and realized now that it was not that easy to climb those stairs without the help of the stair rails. When that happened, the woman from the right side waiting said: “you see we know you are a Pastor, and we know you very well. I saw you from the bottom and you ignored to pray very well before climbing the stairs of glory. Please always pray very well before coming to climb these stairs because those ladies you see in the left side, these are many millions of mermaids enticing so many servants of GOD and reclaiming them back. This is reclamation, she said”. The woman also repeated, to climb these stairs, you really need serious prayers and do not ignore that fact that these ladies are very seductive and can easily make you fall.


When heard that, I realized that I need to climb the stairs of GLORY, HOLDING FAST AND GRIPPED ON THE STAIR RAILS (the Only Support I had) and walk. I started giving firm steps and each time, I held place my hands forward the stair rail before giving the step forward. I climbed, and climbed and climbed and climbed the stairs of Glory until the end. When I reached the end, I gave a deep breath and proclaimed victory over the mermaids and evil ladies and everyone on the right side where in amazement that I made it. I myself was so thrilled, amazed and yet with full assurance how hard and difficult it was. I got to the top and now had access to the while Palace that I believe it is the top mount Zion of glory.


The ladies on the left side were very disappointed that I made it to the top of the stairs without falling back like all those pastors that they succeeded to entice and seduce into the worldliness. Then at the Top I was thinking, wow!! How easily these Pastors fall and even myself I almost fell.


I woke up trembling and shaking really that I barely made it to the top by the help of the stairs rails and the Holy spirit gave the deep interpretation below while in prayer with the Prayer team.




STAIRS OF GLORY. – This is the road of destiny to eternity. This is the Highway of Holiness of the LORD in which every servant of GOD must walk into to be able to access the palace of the LORD at the top of the mount Zion.


STAIR RAILS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRS OF GLORY. – These symbolizes the anchor, the only support. The Lord is my strength and my refuse and my very present help in Trouble. (Psalms 46:1). This is the Lord himself. This is the Holy Spirit of GOD who helps use in all the infirmities.


WHITE PALACE. – This is the Palace of the LORD. This is the final accomplishment of glory when we overcome the obstacles of life.


SEDUCTIVE LADIES ON THE LEFT SIDE. – These ladies represent the things of the world, the lust of the eyes, the price of life and the lust of the flesh. They were so attractive and seducing to Pastors that they were paying too much attention to them. They were very beautiful to behold and this is why the Pastors fell from glory to grass. These are the sexual sins, sexual desires, lust and love of money and the pleasure of this life.


PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE STAIRS OF GLORY – These even I realized were children of GOD. These are the angels of GOD who verify and watch and register everything that happens on the face of the earth to the Servants and children of GOD mounting the Stairs of Glory. They certify and warn us and telling us what to do. These particular people were concerned with me and they wanted me to succeed and they were relieved and happy when I made it to the top.


PASTORS MOUNTING THE STAIRS. – these are the Servants of GOD, Children of GOD in direction to heaven but being seduced by the things of the world and the cares of this life. Instead of looking at Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of faith, they look and pay attention to the things of the world and its seducing power.


RECLAMATIONS – These are the past life. These are the warring members in our flesh enticing us to go back to the things of the world. I John- 2:14-16




1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.


1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


1Jn 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.


1Pe 4:2 That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.


1Pe 4:3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:


Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?


Brethren, the LORD is calling on the world and the Church to wake up because at any moment, the rapture will take place. Prepare for the coming of the LORD in absolute Holiness and righteousness.


Your brother in the Service of the Master and Commander-in-Chief of the LORD Jesus Christ




Prepare the way of the LORD in all purity, righteousness and holiness.

The Hollow of His Hand by Hollie Moody.

The Hollow of His Hand by Hollie Moody.

May 1, 2005   Amharic

Isaiah 40:12 “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?”


In a vision, I saw a large, cupped hand. It was a right hand, not a left hand. In my spirit, I sensed that this hand was the hand of the Lord. This large, cupped hand was held out over the face of the entire earth.


“Look into My hand,” I heard a voice (the Lord’s voice) instruct me.


In the vision, I found myself crawling slowly and carefully up the large hand until I reached the top of the hand. I looked down into the palm of this hand. To my surprise, I saw that the Lord’s hand contained multitudes of people.


“Go down and join these people,” the Lord said to me.


I began to lower myself carefully into the palm of the Lord, but slipped. I landed in the palm of the Lord with all the others. I began to glance around at all the people who were around me. Some of the people were very calm, and were resting and at peace in the palm of the Lord. But I saw other people who appeared confused, upset and frightened about where they were.


Some of the people who were confused about where they were, were attempting to climb up the inside of the hand of the Lord. But they kept slipping as I had done, and would only fall back down into the palm of the Lord. These people were getting more and more confused, and more and more frightened.


Then, a shadow fell inside the Lord’s palm. With everyone else, I quickly glanced upwards to see what was causing the shadow. I was surprised to see that the Lord had raised His left hand to place it over and above His right hand.


The people who were already confused and frightened, became even more so when the Lord cupped His left hand over His right hand. They began to cry out and were in great distress.


The rest of the people in the palm of the Lord continued to remain calm and at peace.


Then, the sounds of a great storm came to the ears of all of us who were in the palm of the Lord. The sound of the storm was originating from the east. Even though the Lord had cupped His left hand over His right hand, rain was drenching those of us at the bottom of the palm of His right hand.


As the storm continued to rage, all of us in the Lord’s right hand huddled close together. Even though we were all getting wet from the storm, we knew we were being protected by God’s other hand from the full force and fury of the storm.


Finally, the sound of the storm abated. As some of the people began to once again attempt to climb up the inside of the Lord’s hand, I heard the Lord exclaim, “Prepare yourselves; for it is not over yet! Remain in My hand and You will be saved. Fear not, for I am a refuge for all who trust in Me.


“As I have poured out My fury and indignation upon one area of the earth, even so will I pour out My judgment upon other areas of the earth that have forsaken My laws and judgments. For I am a just and righteous God; without partiality. As My judgment has struck in one nation, so will it strike in other wicked nations who have forsaken to follow My ways and My counsel.”


Then, another storm struck. One storm after the other struck in an almost seemingly unending succession. During these storms, other people continued to drop into the palm of the Lord’s hand. They were of every nationality and race. They joined those of us at the bottom of the Lord’s hand, and sought and found shelter with us.


What seemed a very long time later, the sounds of the storms ceased. Suddenly, bright light shone into the shadowed recesses of the Lord’s palm. Those of us in the bottom of the palm of the Lord glanced upwards. We saw that the Lord had removed His left hand from sheltering those of us cupped within His right hand.


Then, slowly and carefully, the Lord stretched out His right hand so that it was held out flat. Those of us who had been huddling in the palm of the Lord, were now able to stand upright. As we gazed out upon the earth, we were amazed and stricken at the devastation that met our eyes.


Whole areas of the earth had been destroyed.


“Before each time of My judgment upon a particular area of the earth,” I heard the Lord say, “I will raise up My prophets to proclaim that judgment. I will give warning both to the righteous and to the unrighteous. Whether the people will hear, or whether they will not hear; I will not allow My judgments to fall without warning. I will no longer wink at sinful and unrighteous nations. I have given warning beforehand so that when it comes to pass, all may remember and believe.”

Psalm 46

The End.


In Him,

Hollie L. Moody

Leah's Story by Leah Ann Paul

Leah’s Story by Leah Ann Paul.

The Search.

Looking back, I can now see that the revelation given to me has caused an immense impact on my life.  I understand that it is a great privilege to have had it bestowed on me, but I also know that a tremendous responsibility comes along with it.  The privilege lays in the fact that throughout all of history only a very few handful of souls had ever been entrusted with such an experience.  Likewise the huge responsibility lays in the fact that I had to live a life totally worthy of this high calling.  I knew that since much had been given and entrusted to me, that much would also be required of me.


The reality of the deep chasm separating the transcendent nature of what was revealed to me against the backdrop of my mundane everyday life seemed almost too much for me to bear.  I was constantly aware of the fact that many of the people that touched my life led lives much more worthy of my experience than I considered myself to be.  It seemed that the harder I tried the more inadequate my life seemed in comparison to the life of others.  The acknowledgement of this fact was often extremely painful and bore with it a very keen type of guilt impossible to compare with any of the other more common types of guilt.


For many years after my return from the spirit realm, I found myself unable to cope with life in this world.  I went from day to day with no choice but to have to constantly compare the indescribably sublime realm of the spirit with the mediocre and mundane life in this realm.  I was experiencing a spiritual phenomenon, which St.  John of the Cross rightly called the ‘dark night of the soul.’ Looking back, I now realize that my ‘dark night’ had been extremely dark and extremely long.  For almost 40 years I subconsciously struggled with God for having brought me back to this ‘valley of tears’ as Teresa of Avila described life on earth.  The questions of ‘why’ and ‘what for’ were always there lurking in the recesses of my subconscious mind.  Why did I have to leave the only place in which I had ever felt true and infinite love, compassion and understanding? What were God’s great reasons and purposes for having brought me back here? I had tasted the pearl of great price.  I had to sell everything and go back to my pearl…no matter how long it took in the process.


Never having felt too comfortable here in the first place, I finally had discovered my true home in which I felt total peace and joy beyond words.  Yet now I found myself thrust back into this ‘valley of tears’, which generated a torture and torment within me beyond words.  To intensify my pain even further, I slowly came to realize that chances were I would never find even one soul to understand my secret agony.  Who would I be able to share this with? Who would not only understand, but somehow also believe me? These questions went around in my mind over and over again thus creating an even greater isolation from everyone around me.


My soul would go through periods of excruciating spiritual torment that only another person who has gone through it could possibly understand.  Perhaps I might have felt unloved or unwanted at times in my life as many others have, yet now I felt somehow unloved and unwanted by God, Himself.  In my young mind I viewed my return to this realm as a rejection by God.  My relationship with others began to take on a very different meaning for me.  I was forced to feel hypocritical around others since I felt that they could never come to know the ‘real’ me.  I often felt as if I was hiding a huge secret from them.  I could never tell them this secret because they would never understand.


No amount of trying to share and relate my experience to others seemed to work.  The people I had tried to share this with, thought that I had imagined all of it or that I was hallucinating.  Some would look at me with a daze of unbelief and others would stare back with a look of utter boredom.  They seemed to all be mocking the one thing that meant much more to me than life itself.  These reactions from others caused me to retreat even more into myself.  It has been a lonely struggle and a solitary plight.  How I longed for my true home and to be in the presence of my Beloved.  Faced with the ever present and forbidding darkness, temptations and sorrows my soul ached with the desire to be in that total union with my Beloved that I had already tasted…however fleetingly.  Nothing I could aspire to or attain to could ever satisfy my soul the way that the fleeting touch of my Beloved had.  I would give a thousand worlds for one second in His presence.


Although I had been raised a strict Catholic, I often wondered if what we were being taught in school was the absolute ‘truth.’ I often thought, “where did all these beliefs come from”? Who had come from the dead and explained to them what God, heaven and hell were like? Who had told them about the trinity? All these wonderful and awesome doctrines being taught to us were sometimes difficult to comprehend fully in our young minds.  How could they be so sure that all the dogmas and doctrines they were teaching us were indeed absolute truth? The trinity, itself, made no sense to me.  How could God be one and three at the same time? How could I accept something as absolute truth, which I found so utterly confusing?


Then came the cross.  I wondered why the God who had created this vast and beautiful universe would require an innocent person who was also His only Son (or so they claimed) to suffer such a horrible and gruesome death? I could not make the ultimate connection between the God of creation and the God taught to me in Catholic school.


When I observed the beauty and perfection in nature all around me I knew there had to be a very awesome and loving God somewhere.  This same God had to be magnificent and worthy of our utmost praise and devotion.  All of creation gave clear evidence and complete testimony of His awesome greatness, majesty and wonder.  My young mind questioned these things and little did I know that He, Himself, would provide the answer I was so intently searching for.




The Messiah.


It was a normal summer’s day in 1967, yet little did I know that my life was never to be the same again after that day.  Everything began to happen very rapidly as I just closed my eyes to rest for a few moments.  Immediately I felt my spirit or what I know as ‘me’ lift up through my head and begin to ascend.  As I went higher and higher, I also began to accelerate until I was traveling very rapidly so that the stars themselves seemed to give the effect that I was going through a tunnel of light.


At a distance in the firmament I could see a very bright light. As I rapidly approached this light I could perceive that I was going towards something very wonderful and I was overwhelmed with the joy of what lay ahead of me in this brilliant light.  Even though I understood that I was traveling through the galaxies never did I feel any type of fear or discomfort; I was totally at ease and felt as much ‘at home’ as I do here on earth.


When I finally reached the brilliant light my spirit came to a complete stop. As soon as I stopped my entire being seemed to explode into what I can best describe as an ocean of Divine Love.  This love was so great and encompassing that I know very well that there are no human words that can adequately describe it.  It is the Love of God that is so great, so sublime and so perfect that it passes all human understanding.  In other words it is so enormous and fully perfect that it cannot possibly ever enter or fit into the mind of man; the mind of flesh cannot comprehend this powerful and awesome spiritual love of God.  All of a sudden I found myself melting into this ocean of sublime love that God felt for all of His creation, it was all around me and came from within me and from without me and seemed to pulsate with its own life as it expanded outwards through the entire universe.  This majestic love united and established the brotherhood of creation.


Within and as part of this vast ocean of love I also felt a great peace and rest. I could only describe it as God’s rest.  It was much different than any other peace or rest I had ever experienced on earth. This was a complete and total rest of my entire being.  As I experienced this completely satisfying rest and peace of God I realized that what I had understood to be rest was not really rest. All of a sudden I felt a release from an invisible constant struggle.


Whether we realize this or not, we are always working when we live on this earth.  We have to be many different things to different people.  We must act the way we are required to act and as others expect us to.  Our minds are always working with issues or concerns that affect our day-to-day life.  I understood that I had lived in this constant subtle struggle although I had not been aware of it.  Now I found myself in God’s rest and I could feel and enjoy this pure and perfect state of being. I realized that all along life on earth had indeed been a struggle and now I was at rest for the very first time!  My soul stood now completely naked. There was nothing that could be hidden from the all-encompasing eye of the Father.  Now I understood that we are not ever able to comprehend fully who we are in the intimate core of our being.  Yet in God’s divine realm our true selves will stand naked before the all-perceiving eye of The God of all creation.  We shall fully understand and be fully understood.


Through all of the experience and what was revealed to me I do not remember having heard any audible words.  I was receiving information directly into my mind.  It was being relayed to me at a very rapid pace in a way that could never be accomplished on earth.  My mind was being flooded with what seemed like all the wisdom and knowledge of heaven itself.  Every question I had ever had was now being answered to the minutest detail.


Then suddenly I began to observe certain things and events in what appeared to be a huge screen before me.  The very first thing I saw was a man dressed in a white robe with his back to me.  The man had his hands lifted up in adoration and he had a gold band that went around his waist.  He also had a turban on his head and I noticed that there were tiny bells that dangled from the hem of his robe. He was standing in front of some type of altar and he was sacrificing a small animal on it.  The altar itself had been built with stone upon stone and I could see that no mortar had been used in its construction.  From the sacrifice on this altar I saw a cloud of smoke that rose up in the sky, there was an intense holiness and reverence about the scene I was observing


At that time I had no idea what this was or represented.  Yet later I understood that this was a high holy priest of ancient Israel sacrificing a sin offering for his people.


Immediately after this I was taken to a place where I could see the entire planet earth beneath me.  I observed as something somewhere on the planet began to rise up.  Slowly as it rose I could see that it was a cross.  It continued to rise until it became a very huge cross in the sky, then suddenly I observed as an enormous cloud of smoke emanated from this cross and went around the entire circumference of the earth.


I understood that the event that took place upon that cross way exceeded in importance anything that happened before or after this day.  It was by far the most important day in all of history for the God who created the vast universe.


The sacrificial offering up of animals was required up to the point of the Messiah’s ultimate sacrifice of Himself for the sins of all people on the face of the earth.  These animal sacrifices were the shadow of things to come and pointed towards the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


These sacrificial offerings required of ancient Israel for the forgiveness of sins were also a type of visual aid that helped the Israelites understand that sin had a price that was required to be paid.  Blood had to be shed for the forgiveness of sins.  An innocent animal had to serve as a substitute for guilty men and its blood had to be shed in place of the blood of guilty human beings.  These sacrifices also helped to remind Israel that their God required blood for the forgiveness of sins.  “For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls” ( Lev.  17:11).


The God who created this vast universe is a perfect God; He cannot observe any type of defect or fault in man.  If He does observe fault or sin in us then He cannot, by any means, accept us into His Kingdom.  This does not mean that we can live a life free from fault, sin and failure since by the mere fact that we are human represents that we are also weak and prone to sin and failure. Therefore since God cannot accept us if He observes these defects in us we require a middle-man or a type of scape-goat to make atonement for our sins and failures. By our mere human nature we are ALL prone to sin and failure and the fact is that nothing we can do can ever change this reality.  The sin offering provided by God had to be perfect and without any type of blemish whatsoever in order to take our place and be our substitute. Since no human being ever born from a woman could ever meet those requirements…God had to send Himself…in the form of His Son to die for each and everyone of us.


When Balak sent Balaam to curse Israel and therefore enable him to subsequently conquer them he was not able to ever utter one evil word against Israel.  God allowed Balaam to observe Israel the way He saw Israel.  When Balaam opened his mouth to curse Israel he had to bless them because he observed Israel sin-free as God saw them.  By way of the animal sacrifices offered up for the forgiveness of their sins Balaam saw Israel perfectly innocent and sin free as God saw them. This does not mean that they were sin-free…but that God OBSERVED them to be sin-free!


And in the firmament I saw a great light that was rapidly approaching me.  As this brilliant light was coming towards me, I could observe that in the center was a figure of a man.  As He came nearer and nearer the light became as bright as the sun around Him and radiated outwards from Him.  His robe was luminescent and pulsated as if it had a life of its own.  Then He came very close and I could capture His incredible majesty and beauty.  His eyes were like torches of fire that seemed to burn right through to my innermost being.  They gazed at me with love and knowledge to the utmost.  I was aware that my soul stood naked before Him and there was absolutely nothing at all that I could ever hide from Him.  He knew the reasons behind the reasons of every single one of my actions and thoughts before and after this encounter. He knew the thoughts behind the thoughts I had had and would have.  He knew me much better than I could ever know myself.  The amazing and very touching reality was the fact that eventhough He knew me so very well yet He loved me with a love so strong that it surpassed by far any human emotion I could ever experience on earth.  I still did not know who this incredible being was.  As I felt that my spirit was melting under the immense weight of His boundless love and compassion I could do nothing more but fall at His feet.


As soon as I fell to His feet I knew who this being was.  There were two scars…one on each of His feet.  All of the holiness and awesome sacredness of heaven were emanating from His precious feet.  The ultimate and complete and joy I felt while lying prostrate at His feet is impossible to describe.  My soul was totally satiated, fulfilled and overflowing with love and gratitude.  I know that I would have been totally content to have stayed right where I was throughout all of eternity…I knew I would need nothing more than this.  Billows of thankfulness emanated from my being as I realized that it was my sins that had caused these scars on my beloved’s feet.  This was the Prince of Peace, the Rock of Ages, the King of the Jews, the Messiah and the Savior of mankind.  For this precious moment in time He was not just the Savior of all of mankind He was my Savior.  I knew that if I was the only human being ever born in all of creation He would have suffered and given Himself as a sacrifice just to save me.  His love was that great and that intimately personal.  Although I felt the weight and seriousness of all my sins before and after this encounter I did not feel any fear whatsoever.  As I stood an open book before Him His all encompassing eye saw and covered any sin or imperfection He beheld in me.  In His presence there was perfect peace, perfect love and perfect forgiveness.  All of the love that filled the entire universe seemed to bounce and emanate from Him to me and then back again from me to Him.


Love itself is not of the same nature here on earth as it is in the spiritual realm.  Love here can mean many things to different people.  Many times human love has a selfish motive behind it even though we may not be aware of it.  Love in the spirit realm is totally pure and of a very self-less nature.  There is absolutely no frame of reference between the eternal and the physical realm.  Just as love itself is of a different nature so are many other details of our lives here on earth also very different when compared to the realm of the infinite.


Many insignificant and often times menial aspects of our lives here on earth are seen as extremely important and valuable from the perspective of the infinite realm of God.  The opposite is also true.  Events, objects and details that seem to be of so much value to us in this realm are of absolutely no consequence in the next realm.  Wealth, positions of honor and material possessions for example will mean nothing and be of no help to us whatsoever in the infinite realm.  Not that these things will not be of much help but that they will be of absolutely NO HELP TO US WHATSOEVER!  I cannot stress this enough because I, myself, found this detail of the difference between the finite and infinite realms of existence so surprising and difficult to understand.  I was experiencing it, yet it was a fact that amazed me and still does to this day. I can try as much as I can to explain this truth but I know that only after a soul experiences this on their own will they be able to understand it fully….unfortunately many times it will be too late by then.  In the face of His infinite realm and before His awesome majesty and wonder all of our earthly trappings and treasures will melt away like wax and disappear forever…I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!!


Most of humanity wastes its time amassing material possessions and positions of honor which will be of no value whatsoever to them when they come face to face with the realm of the spirit.  The only actions that will stand the test of the infinite are those actions done out of humility, self-less love and repentant contrition. OUR SOULS SHALL STAND NAKED BEFORE THE ALL SEEING EYE OF OUR INFINITE GOD!!!!


The Word of God is an absolute.  All of heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will remain.  The Messiah came to us as the Word of God in the flesh.  The Father would never have sent the Messiah to us without first giving us clear substantiation of who He was and what He would do for us.  This is why the entire Torah gives us evidence of His person and His mission as it clearly points to Him as the promised Messiah.


Each of the ancient festivals of Israel is a type of visual aid that help us to understand who the Messiah is and what He came to accomplish for us on earth.


He is Noah’s ark as He shelters us and saves us from destruction.  He is the Passover Lamb as His innocent and spotless blood was shed for our sins.  He is Joshua that led His people into the promised land.  He is Isaac who was to be sacrificed on the altar on Mount Moriah as a test of Abraham’s love for God.  This act was forshadowing the day when God, Himself, would sacrifice His precious and beloved Son in order to reveal His immense love for us.  He is Joseph who saved the entire then known world from famine after his own brothers left Him for dead and he was sold into slavery in Egypt.  The story of Joseph and his brothers is a perfect prototype of Yeshua, the Messiah, and His relationship with His own Jewish brethren today. In the end Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and though they were terrified he tells them not to fear. Jospeh goes on to forgive them and assure them that eventhough they meant it for evil…God used it for good to save the entire world and them also from death. He then cries on their necks instead of they on his…so great was his love for them. He is also Rahab’s scarlet cord representing His shed blood for our sins.  Though she was a sinner the red cord saved her and her entire household when all of Jericho was destroyed.  It represents the completeness of the Messiah’s atonement and how His blood cleanses us from all sins no matter how serious in nature these sins might be.


I understood that there was no other way that a person could attain eternal life in the realm of the kingdom of the Father without the redemptive grace of the sinless Lamb of God.  There is just no other way provided for the sins of mankind to be forgiven and thus enable us to enter God’s eternal kingdom.  We can never do this ourselves.  We may think that we can do it but there is just no way that we are able to make ourselves clean and sin-free, it is just humanly impossible.  When we do not understand His sacrifice fully…we somehow think that we have to help God with our own salvation.  We do not comprehend the ultimate ‘completeness’ of His sacrifice for us.  When Jesus uttered the words…’It is finished’…from the cross He meant just that…’finished’.  Nothing more had to be added to it or taken away from it… it was in and of itself…total, complete and finished.


It is written that ‘our righteousness are as filthy rags’ (Isaiah 64:6).  It does not say that our sins are as filthy rags but that our ‘righteousness’ are filthy.  What may seem as pure and holy to us may be totally unacceptable to the eyes of a holy and awesome God.  He sees and can perceive what we cannot.  He sees the reasons behind the reasons of our actions and if He perceives ‘self’ and ‘self-centeredness’ in any of our actions He cannot and will not accept them.  “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it? I the Lord, search the heart, and I test the mind” (Jer 17:9-10).


No amount of clean living, no amount of righteousness or good works can make atonement for our sins and failures. If we think that we can make ourselves clean and provide for our own salvation then the Messiah died in vain. This kind of thinking places too much emphasis on our own actions.  God wants us to focus on Him and the sacrifice He provided for us.  His mercy, grace and compassion granted us this priceless gift.  We cannot obtain it or earn it in any way…it is a free gift from God to us.  This becomes fully evident in the fact that while we were yet sinners He sent His Son to die for us. This is why God many times chooses people who had lived lives steeped in sin to show us the totality of His forgiveness. Our thought should always be…”Lord, if you forgave that horrible sinner…you can certainly forgive me!”  We should try and live holy and sinless lives out of sheer and utter thankfulness and appreciation for the great gift and sacrifice of His Son sent to us all.




The Chosen People.


Before me as if on a very large screen I saw the face of an old man.  I understood immediately that this was no ordinary old man.  The man before me had been very special to God, Himself, and I knew then that this person was Abraham the patriarch.


Suddenly I felt as if I had entered the relationship that existed between Abraham and God.  I felt the warmth and genuine friendship that had existed between them both.  Just as we have very close or best friends that we esteem higher than all our other friends so Abraham was God’s very best friend.  It is almost impossible for us to comprehend how God could have a mere human being as a best friend but the scriptures testify to this fact.  Apart from Abraham, the patriarch, no other person in all of history was ever given the honor of being selected to be God’s best friend.  “But you, Israel are my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham, my friend.” (Isaiah 41:8).


Since then Abraham was so very special to Him, then also all of Abraham’s descendents would be very special to God.  He would look kindly on all of his descendents for the sake of the love He had for Abraham.  The same love He felt for Abraham was passed down to each and every one of his descendants throughout the centuries.  His special love for Abraham and his descendants would never fail.  He valued each and every one of them just as much as He valued and esteemed Abraham.  “I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you.” (Gen 12:3).  Again He states, “For he that touches you touches the apple of my eye” (Zech 2:8)).


The pupil or the apple of the eye is the most sensitive and delicate part of the entire body.  The pupil allows us to observe things around us whether they be good or evil.  By stating that Abraham’s descendants are the apple of His eye, God is making a very bold statement.  He is saying that He actually sees or touches the world through these descendants of Abraham.  He did not choose them because they are special in and of themselves, He chose them because ‘He’ is special and chose to touch or see the world by way of or through them.


I observed what seemed to be a huge tapestry that filled the sky before me.  Then I saw as the Father wove something in and out of this huge piece of fabric.  I understood this fabric to be the nations and what He was weaving in and out of it were the Jewish people.  He was doing this to bless the nations and to shed His light wherever they went to or were scattered to…even to the four corners of the world.  They were the main thread with which He wove the tapestry of the nations.  He was sending them out to bless the entire world.  It didn’t matter that the nations and they themselves were unaware of this truth; God could only bless the world by way of these descendants of Abraham.


I saw that the world was covered with a blanket of darkness and that the Jewish people were like tiny lights that shone in that darkness.  Each one of them gave off light that shone in the darkness so that all the nations could see.  They illuminated the darkness not in and of themselves but in as far as they shed the light of God.  They had the light of God’s Word, His commandments, His oracles, His appointed Feast Days.  Even after they were dispersed throughout the nations they carried this ‘light’ with them.


If the Torah, itself, were the only gift of the Jewish people to the world that would have been enough.  It is impossible to measure the enormous value and significance of this special Jewish gift to the world.  Great nations have risen and fallen in accordance to how they have lived up to or failed to live up to the simple Ten Commandments and principles found in God’s Word.


Besides the immense and priceless contribution of God’s own Word to the world the Jewish people themselves have been a blessing.  They have excelled in the fields of science, medicine and the arts etc.  There is not a nation under the sun that has not benefited by their presence in some way. Yet the greatest gift the Jews have given the world is the Messiah, Himself.


Since the Jewish people were so beloved and used by God to bless the nations the enemies of God would also become their enemies.  Through the centuries the enemies of God or evil forces have selected charismatic leaders to spread their venom.  Many times these were lukewarm Christian leaders who poisoned the minds of the masses to persecute and destroy God’s chosen people.  Huge waves of anti Semitism spread through various times in history to bring about their almost total annihilation.  The fact that there still is Jewish presence still in this world after so many attempts made towards their annihilation is the surest proof of the existence of their God.


Yet there have been cases, however isolated, of Gentiles who have shown by their bravery and courage a great love for God’s chosen people.  These beloved Gentiles sometimes paid with their own lives as evidence of their love God’s chosen people.  “Come beloved of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren (brothers of the womb, my blood brothers) you did it to Me.” (Matt 25:35).


And I saw the Son sitting on a throne and He was judging the Gentile nations  This was the Last Throne Judgment and He was separating the sheep from the goats.  At His right hand He placed those whom had been good to the chosen people and to the left those who had not.  It will be just as He said the difference between heaven and hell for all of eternity will be determined by how these people living in their midst had been treated.  If they cursed God’s chosen then they would be cursed, if they blessed them then the blessing would fall upon them.


While I was in the Spirit, I saw the Father (not with my natural eyes but with my spiritual eyes) and He was sitting on a throne.  All around this throne were huge billows of clouds.  Incredible glory and majesty filled the firmament.  Mere human words could never describe the absolute splendor, holiness and sacredness that emanated from His being.  There is continuous praise and worship presented before Him by the Hosts of heaven.  While I observed this scene in wonder and amazement I could see that He had His back to the Jews and His face towards the Gentiles.  I understood this to mean the two thousand years of Jewish dispersion and suffering.  It represented all the suffering, shame and dishonor that they were allowed to endure when they were scattered to all the Gentile nations on the face of the earth.  He had indeed hidden His face from His people as it is written: “and your sins have hidden His face from you…” (Isaiah 59:2).  As He had His back towards the Jews His face was towards the Gentiles.  This represented ‘the time of the Gentiles’ and a time of great blessings for them.  Wherever the light of the gospel was spread and people lived under the saving grace of the Messiah God’s blessings were then put into effect.  Then as I observed all these events as on a huge screen before me something amazing began to happen.  Suddenly…I could see that the Father was slowly turning on His throne.  As He turned His grace turned with Him.  He slowly began to turn His face again towards the Jews.  I understood that when His face would be completely turned around again towards the Jews His back would then be turned towards the Gentiles.  This would then usher in a time of great testing and trials that the Gentile nations would have to endure.  Yet He was turning towards Israel with great compassion, mercy and infinite love.  They had suffered immensely throughout the ages.  Many times they had to endure all types of inconceivable suffering at the mercy of the citizens of their host nations.  God, Himself, had allowed it but sometimes these nations had gone too far.


“Comfort, yes, comfort, My people!” says your God.  “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” (Isaiah 40:1-2).


As I mentioned before this experience was given to me during the time of the Six Day War, the time when Jerusalem was again given into Jewish hands.  Even though the State of Israel had already been established, Jerusalem was not under Jewish control until the summer of 1967.


And He looked at me and in His eyes I could see that I was Jewish.  He was overjoyed that Jerusalem was again under Jewish control after two thousand years of being ruled by the Gentile nations.  I understood that all of history had been leading up to this day.  This was a time of great joy in the heavens.  I understood that now He, Himself, would bring His people back to their own land.  He would bring them back from the four corners of the world just as each and every prophet had foretold.  He would bring them back and He would restore them and bless them much better than He had blessed their fathers in ancient times.  “And I will cause the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel to return and will rebuild those places as at the first.  I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned and which they have transgressed against Me.  Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them, they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it.” (Jeremiah 33:7-9).


This unique relationship between God and the Jewish people must be given special attention especially if we wish to draw closer to God, Himself.  We must understand that God chose these people to bless and to reveal His nature and character to the world through them.  We must know that because of His great love for the entire world He designated these particular people to be a light to the nations.  It was the method He chose of spreading His light throughout the world.  He didn’t choose them because they were special or any better than other peoples. He chose them in order to reveal His greatness through them and to keep the covenant He made with Abraham the patriarch.


The restoration of the land of Israel to its former glory and the re-gathering of the exiles from the four corners of the world is perfect proof of the existence of God.  Tiny Israel will stand strong against all the nations that come against her to destroy her and she shall be victorious through the God that strengthens her.  After all is said and done and all nations have had their time of glory then God will again choose Israel and make His name and power known throughout the world through this tiny nation.


During the spring of 1992, on the anniversary of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain following the Inquisition, Spain formally requested pardon from the nation of Israel.  Spain was officially pardoned by the State of Israel and this serves as an example to all nations everywhere that forgiveness can be attained through God’s mercy.  “For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort her waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness will be found in it, thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” (Isaiah 51:3).  “For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will still choose Israel, and settle them in their own land.” (Isaiah 14:1).  “Those who come, He shall cause to take root in Jacob; Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit.” (Isaiah 27:6).


The prophet Ezekiel prophesied into the far future when he proclaimed what the Lord had in store for the state of Israel.  “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones…Again He said unto me, ‘Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah.  Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring flesh upon you, and you shall live; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.  Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith Jehovah God; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.  And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith Jehovah”(Ezek.37:1-6,12,14).


The people of Israel were scattered throughout the world for almost two thousand years.  They have witnessed all types of anti Semitism and have suffered unimaginable forms of persecution throughout the centuries but the God of Israel has by no means forgotten them, no matter what they or the rest of the world may believe.  “For a small moment I have forsaken thee; but with great mercies I will gather thee.  In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee” (Isaiah 54 7,8).  In other words, God indeed allowed all these terrible things to fall upon these people yet we must also understand that He had something very beautiful planned for them in the distant future.  He had hidden His face for a while yet He would again turn to them in love and compassion with all of His heart, to forgive, to restore, to heal and to bless them.


The skeleton and the framework upon which the modern day nation of Israel was founded was the Zionist movement under the leadership of Theodore Herzl.  It was the establishment of a concept and recognizing the need of establishing a homeland for the scattered people of Israel.  The vision of Theodore Herzl was the vehicle God used to begin to bring His people back to their native land.  The dry bones would come back to the land yet there was nothing to hold them together since they were returning from many different countries and they had very little in common except this one singular Zionist dream or ideal.


Another great and inspired man of God, Eliezer Ben Yehuda would provide the force that would hold them together or to lay the sinews upon them.  The force was the Hebrew language.  Through much suffering and persecutions this father of modern day Hebrew accomplished what no other person had been able to before him..  Hebrew was the uniting force that they needed to be able to pray, to work and play in one accord, just the opposite of the dispersing effect of the Tower of Babel.  Without a pliable modern form of Hebrew, Israel could never exist as a state.


Then in November 2, 1917 the Balfour Declaration established the right for the Jewish people to have a home in Palestine.  England issued this declaration after Dr. Chaim Weizman, from the University of Manchester developed a way of synthesizing acetone from horse chestnuts.  This was essential for the British in the manufacture of cartridges for rifles during World War 1.  The Balfour declaration and finally on May 14, 1948 the formal establishment of Israel as a state by David Ben-Gurion provided the much needed flesh on the bones.  The flesh is what shapes and gives form and substance to the body at the same time being the part that is seen and touched.  This tiny yet incredibly significant nation was indeed born in one day as Isaiah had prophesied, “Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children” (Isaiah 66:8).  The travail was of course World War 11 and the atrocities suffered by the Jewish people under Nazi Germany.


Israel stands alone surrounded by millions of enemies.  She is a perfect prototype of David standing before Goliath.  She is waiting to receive the breath of God into her.  She waits yet she must first understand that the spirit of God will not come upon her until she learns to rely on Him and Him alone.


Just as David had to cast off all the help from King Saul in order to have the strength and coordination needed to combat Goliath, the giant, so must modern Israel stand alone with only the help of her God to be able to combat her many enemies.  When she stands alone without any aid from any other nation then the God of Israel will breathe His breath upon her and she will indeed defeat all who come against her.  So the entire world will then understand that it was only through the power of her God working through her that she was able to defeat those that rose up against her.  And the glory shall be ONLY to her God…the one and only TRUE GOD OF ISRAEL.




Babylon the Great:


The arm of God swept across the sky from right to left and from east to west. As this panoramic view began to unfold before me, I was given certain truths and answers to questions telepathically. Hearing no audible words it was as if though my mind was being saturated with a constant flow of information. Before any questions or doubts were given time to form in my mind, I was already receiving the answers. It is difficult to specify whether these things were relayed to me as a type of vision or experience, yet it seemed very real to me at the time, as real as anything one can feel on earth and much more so. Though it was indeed a profound and awesome experience yet ironically it all felt very normal.


Many developments both here and around the globe seem to be leading us right into what was relayed to me while in the spirit. It is obvious that this is not a very popular message but nevertheless in order to be truthful and unbiased the message cannot be watered down in any way. Here I will try and share not only what I saw but also the information that was being passed on to me as this panoramic view of past and future events unfolded before my very eyes.


I watched as the movement of God’s arm moved from east to west across the sky. What was being revealed to me were nations and empires rising to greatness and their eventual fall from their pinnacle of glory. They were each given an alloted, predestined time to rule as world empires. These individual empires had a given set length of time to rule most of the rest of the world as they saw fit. Some would rule in righteousness others in unrighteousness but they nevertheless were appointed each their set time to rule. They each contributed to the general development of mankind as a whole. After their individually appointed time to rule reached its end this power would then be transferred to the next nation in sequence. Though each of these nations believed that their empire would never fall from their own position of relative greatness they all came to an end when God deemed their time to rule had been exhausted. This power that was being passed on from ruling empire to ruling empire was the same spirit of ancient Babylon. This period of sequential ruling nations is called ‘the time of the Gentiles’ or nations. The last empire to receive the embodiment of the spirit of Babylon would rise to the highest pinnacle of power as compared to the nations that had preceded her. Since the fall of this great nation would bring an end to the world-rule, imperialist spirit on earth, her fall is destined to be the hardest and most violent with devastating repercussions that will affect the entire world. Although we may not want to hear this, I understood this nation to be the United States of America.


The vast expanse of land before me erupted with mushrooming columns of smoke. As I watched at a distance and before me I observed in disbelief what almost seemed like a scene from a science fiction movie. I couldn’t believe what was unfolding before my very eyes. There could be nothing to compare it to because nothing quite like this had ever happened before to any other nation on the face of the earth. My inner being trembled at the finality of the judgment engulfing this nation that stood before me. It was an absolute, total and fierce devastation. This nation could never recover from this final, horrific and complete destruction. As I watched the incredible scene before continue to unfold before my eyes I saw that there was an angel standing next to me. I asked this angel if this nation had been properly warned before these this incredibly horrific judgments befell them. This would be an ultimate and utter destruction without any hope of ever returning to or rebuilding what had been destroyed. I didn’t see a sequence of scenes of acts of war but instead one single act that would cause infinitely more destruction in one hour than all the previous wars put together. No one will be expecting this attack and no one will be able to stop it. The only thing that would be able to stop this judgment on America would be a national repentance and return of this great nation to her roots in utter humility and with a contrite heart before the God of the universe. This must be done both individually and collectively. This may sound naive absurd to some but God will not relent of His judgments on America unless she repents as a nation. We may think that we are too sophisticated and that we have somehow become so wise in our own understanding that we are immune to any type of judgment or punishment. There is no other way to try and bring across the danger we are in as a nation. If God completely removes His protective covering that is still over us to this day then Satan is allowed to come in and do what he wishes with us. These terrible judgments will fall upon us because after removing His covering of protection we shall stand totally helpless before the enemy of our souls.


I was overwhelmed with a sense of tremendous urgency that the nation receiving such harsh chastisement should be first warned of her impending judgment. My spirit was saddened by the response. It was revealed to me that this nation had already been warned by each of the Biblical prophets. These prophets of old had seen the same vision of a mystery Babylon or an unknown nation being totally destroyed by means unfamiliar to them. For example, the prophet Joel had seen a scene of sudden devastation of “Blood and fire and pillars of smoke,” that would turn the sun into darkness and the moon into blood. Jeremiah 50 and 51 describes an ultimate destruction and desolation to fall upon Babylon that is almost identical to what the Apostle John describes in Revelations 18 to be the “Fall of Babylon the Great”. They were not given the specific name of this nation. Isaiah 47 warns us of a proud lady who believes she will be a lady forever and that there is no other nation like her yet she will fall in one hour and in one moment. Almost all the prophets see the destruction of a very powerful nation and yet they only knew that this would occur at an unknown future by means unfamiliar to them. They do give an indication that Israel will be dwelling safely and the captives will have returned to Zion when Babylon is destroyed.


Nations will stand in utter disbelief and awe at the waves of intense judgments falling on the one nation they all looked up to as a model of successful and prosperous super power. The severity of these judgments have a direct correlation to the degree of spiritual and material blessings that had been bestowed upon this once proud land. In many ways this nation has always represented an answer to the problems of people the world over. To many she was a shelter from political persecution, to others it was a place to worship as they saw fit and still to others it was the land of infinite opportunities. No other land country had ever represented so much to so many people from every nation and tongue as this one has. No other country had provided the solution to so many dilemmas or met the need of so many people around the world as this nation has. In turn, it is not surprising that this nation was idolized and put on a type of a pedestal that if continued could become the object of her downfall. Since all the blessings and opportunities that people came to find here in America were coming from the God of Israel, He and only He should have been placed in the true place of honor. God wants people everywhere to know that He is the answer to their problems, their afflictions and dilemmas. No nation or government, no matter how great and powerful should ever take His place in their lives.


Once America is out of the picture as a world superpower, great evil will spread over the earth. The policeman of the world will not be there to try and bring some justice to and unjust world. Evil men with sinister projects and principles will thrive with no one to stop them. These will be men of hard hearts who stop at nothing to spread their venom to the mostly unprotected nations. They will have no compassion, but will rule cruelly over lesser nations including the Third World. I remember feeling how bloodthirsty and cruel their ideology was and how easily they would rule the world with terror since there was nothing to stop them. I supposed this to be a combination of many nations who do not follow the Judeo-Christian value system and do not know the God of Israel. Since they don’t believe in the God of Israel and His commandments mean absolutely nothing to them they have nothing to stop them from committing horrendous atrocities. Their value system is completely different than ours, what we esteem highly is not esteemed by them at all. The strong eagle of democracy will fall off her high perch and nothing and no one will be able to come to her aid or assist her on that very dark day. Nothing will be able to stand in the way of the evil scheme of these combined (Communist-Islamic) forces and their desire for world domination. Once this American super power is no longer there to protect the lesser nations they will be left vulnerable and susceptible to the whims of the combined anti-Christ forces.


As negative and as somber as all this may sound yet all scripture testifies to the fact that if we turn back to our God He will forgive us completely. I believe that there is still hope in America’s future if we return to God with contrite hearts in true repentance. Perhaps these words may sound too cliché and unfashionable yet these are the very things that touch the heart of God. He desires to see our broken spirit when we realize that we have not acted according to His will, something we are all guilty of to some degree. It is my personal belief that America still has time to return to her God and to her former place of glory among the nations. He always warned cities and nations before they were punished in any way, this must also hold true for modern day America. Since He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow and He never changes He always warns a nation while there is still time. “When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity, and dies in it, it is because of the iniquity which he has done that he dies…Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die…For I have no pleasure in one who dies,” says the Lord God. “Therefore turn and live!”(Ezek.18:30-32). He is waiting for us to turn to Him with all our hearts and He will indeed turn to us in utter forgiveness and compassion but the first step must be taken by us. If we humble ourselves He promises to exalt us yet if we continue in the stubbornness of our own understanding we must suffer the consequences.


America is a type of Israel in that they were both founded on God’s Word. No other nation can attest to this fact. Her many contributions to the world such as the Industrial Revolution, the invention of electricity, the car, the telephone, television, the motion picture industry, etc. were all direct blessings from the God of Israel Himself. People of all nations and tongues streamed to her light as they fled the poverty and despair of their own native lands. Yet in a period of more or less forty years this once proud nation founded on God’s Word and precepts has fallen from her high perch. The proud eagle has taken a nose dive into the pit of oblivion. Her destruction will come upon her suddenly and she will not be able to shake off the judgment coming directly from the throne of the Holy One of Israel. “And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven will be brought down to Hades: for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you.” (Matt 11:23-24). What is the Lord trying to tell us here? If we closely examine His words they are almost impossible to believe. How can a city of mostly law abiding citizens be judged harsher than a city filled with lust crazed sodomites? It is because though the Kingdom of Heaven in the form of the Messiah had come to them in all His glory they had failed to recognize their day of visitation and had not repented of their self-righteous acts and their enormous pride, both spiritual and material. Yet Sodom was judged very severely without ever having witnessed any of the Messiah’s miracles and the sheer glory of His presence. Most of all, this Word of God had never been preached or taught in their homes and synagogues nor healed the sick in their streets.


Most Christians in America today fit the mold of Capernaum and not Sodom. We will be judged much harsher than Christian nations that have not been blessed such as ours has. Yet what is almost unbelievable is that we will be judged even harsher than many heathen, sinful and non-Christian nations. America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs yet the day came when America took God out of her schools and public institutions. Our children are forbidden to take Bibles to school yet they are encouraged to read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone and other such works of nonsense which promote witchcraft and New Age beliefs with no problems whatsoever. We have done a complete turn about in our belief system, we call what is right wrong and what is wrong right. Perhaps we just see no harm in it and we just do not understand that what can be totally acceptable to men can be a complete abomination in the eyes of God.


Just as ancient Israel was chosen, so America was chosen. They were both chosen to bear the Word and the precepts of God, Himself. Yet even though they were chosen they still had to abide by and be obedient to His laws and commandments, they were by no means exempt just because they were chosen. In Deuteronomy 11 the ancient Israelites were warned to be very careful from not turning to other gods and from not following and obeying His commandments. He told them that if they obeyed and held fast to Him He would in turn drive out nations stronger and more powerful than themselves. Through His power and might they would dispossess nations that had already been settled and established and they would take over these lands and make them their own. The tribes and peoples that ancient Israel were going to overcome and take over were peoples that followed and worshiped other gods. They only thing that gave ancient Israel the power to conquer these many tribes and peoples stronger and mightier than themselves was the fact that they represented and stood for the One who created the heavens and the earth.


God also cautions ancient Israel to be extremely careful to make sure that they remained obedient to Him walking in all His ways. Deuteronomy 11 continues in verse 26-28 to warn Israel to watch her step carefully, “Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: “the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.” In perfect correlation to ancient Israel, so also modern day America falls under this same mold. She was allowed to conquer the ancient peoples and tribes native to this land only because she was endowed with the Word of God, His statutes and precepts and the light of the gospel of truth itself. Just as ancient Israel they could never look to themselves in pride thinking that they, because they were special in some way had accomplished all this. The reverse would also be true, in that He warned them that if they did not remain in the obedience and humility that allowed them to conquer these nations in the first place that they would fall from grace and He would have to curse them because of their disobedience to Him. These were not pagan and heathen peoples He was threatening to curse but His very own chosen people.


This is a concept almost impossible to conceive of. How can God who had just chosen and blessed these people be also capable of cursing them in such a horrendous way? We can read about these curses in Deuteronomy 28 in intricate detail of what will happen to a people and a nation when it falls under His curse after it has been the recipient of His manifold blessings. We must keep in mind that this can not affect the people who had been chosen by God. They could never be judged as severely as the people who had been chosen by Him, who in turn were familiar with His laws of love and mercy but also of justice. “And the servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know yet committed things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”(Luke12:48).


The native peoples of this land suffered greatly in ways that only God, Himself, knows fully yet I believe that He is going to heal their wounds and He will call them to Himself in a very special way. His love and mercy shall envelop them in such a way that they will know that it is the God of Israel who is turning to them with all His compassion and love. We must always remember that God is a God of justice and that He always settles our accounts after all is said and done. There is nothing or anyone that can be hidden from His watchful eye. The righteous will see the recompense of God right before their very eyes, even though they themselves once believed that it could never be done. The peoples that were allowed to conquer this land over two hundred years ago did so with a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other. As long as they remained obedient to the Word they would be blessed. Yet once they failed to obey or fell into other belief systems they would stand without God’s divine protection and powerless for all the other nations to see. “And it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant-when you have eaten and are full-then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage…(for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you), less the anger of the Lord your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth’.” (Deut. 6:10-12,15).


Recently, in Alabama, we have a perfect example of what is occurring now in the United States. The chief justice of Alabama displayed a monument to the Ten Commandments in the lobby of the state courthouse that was removed after much controversy. It is hard to understand how the hypocrisy of this act was evident to all. When we swear to say the truth in all courthouses throughout the United States we swear with our left hand placed on a Bible, shouldn’t we also take these Bibles out of our courthouses? Our entire legal system is built upon the foundation of those same Ten Commandments that were given to us by the God of Israel and no other god or belief system. No matter how much we wish to deny this fact we cannot escape that this nation was founded on everything that we are trying to eliminate from our classrooms and public institutions and offices today. Yet America fails to realize that all the blessings that were bestowed upon her through the years were because she had been founded on a strong Judeo-Christian foundation as no other nation had to that day except for ancient Israel. Therefore we can say that America today is a type of ancient Israel and likewise we must not forget that ancient Israel was severely punished when she was led astray after other gods and she fell away from the path chosen for her by the same God that had blessed her so richly.


One of the subtlest lies infiltrating many churches and congregations today is the prosperity dogma. This popular false teaching claims that we can serve both God and mammon. The belief is that if we are pleasing in God’s eyes we will live a life full of ease, comfort, and pleasure blessed much material wealth. At the very heart of this concept is the love of self.  We cannot love God for what He will bestow upon us we must love God for who He is! A great light has shone upon us, the very face of God, Himself, yet we did not understand the depth of its significance. We still remain a nation of basically lukewarm and indifferent believers. It would have been better not have known Him and His grace, than after knowing Him and receiving His abundant blessings to still remain lukewarm and hard of heart. After being blessed so richly by Him, some Christians are more dedicated to their pastors than they are to Christ. Had they known their Savior better they would not have followed a false pastor, they would have easily detected the lie. When we erroneously trust and follow the false teachings of these so called men of God and not the Word of God itself, God sees this as idolatry. We must stay close to the Word and let the Holy Spirit teach us as we grow in faith and wisdom yet staunchly reject the slight variations and adjustments to His Word that are the personal views of misguided men. These misguided blind guides are misleading multitudes upon multitudes of Christians down the wrong path. I believe personally that some of these Christian pastors and preachers are unaware of their distorted belief system, yet however unknowingly or well intentioned they might be the outcome is till the same of the blind leading the blind into the pit. “Oh, my people! Those who lead you cause you to err. And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 9:16).


Most of the prophets led frustrated lives in which their words of warning fell on deaf ears. They were misunderstood, disregarded and despised by all. Zechariah was murdered between the temple and the altar. Jeremiah was thrown into the dungeon and left to die. The Ethiopian eunuch was the only one who had compassion on him, and pleaded with King Zedekiah to have him lifted out of the mire. Job was tested beyond human endurance to see if his love of God was greater than his love of the blessings God bestowed on him for being a righteous man. Moses had to leave a life full of comfort and ease within the royal chambers of Pharaoh’s court before God could touch him. Then he had to roam the desert for another forty years before God could use him to deliver Israel out of bondage.


The New Testament examples are even more numerous. We all know the sufferings of Paul, the shipwrecks, the many perils, stoning and stripes. All of the disciples led lives of suffering and persecutions. Finally, the Lord Himself came to suffer and serve, until finally He died hanging on a cross as a common criminal. “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household?” (Matt10:25).